About this Blog

03 August 2011, 

'Musings of a Depressed Visionary' is a place where you can read the writings, diaries and thoughts of Amadeus In Denial.

This blog focuses on 3 different categories of posts: 'Short Stories', 'Dairies of Another Man' and 'Daily Life'. These three categories attempt to present a series of musings -- either fictional, or semi-fictional accounts of events -- in the life of a self-declared 'depressed' man in late 20s.

'Short Stories', often infused with philosophical, political, surrealist and postmodern inclinations, are just that: Small stories, usually told in the form of fairy or children tales, or as part of (fictional) chapters in a larger book. As this blog goes on, some of them may develop an overarching theme; while others will remain standalone. A note at the end of each story denotes whether it is 'new' (as in, written and edited in a particular recent month), or whether it is an adaptation of an 'old' story (as in, the story in particular has been re-used in the past, either published or un-published, by the author). Look forward to story-arcs and ways in which these stories will start converging, as more and more is unveiled of this strange universe in which these stories take place.

'Diaries of Another Man' are a very different bunch. Semi-fictional, although almost definately based on real personal life events, these stories form a basis of an auto-biography; a look into the events that could transform someone. It is not just a story of someone's ordeal with depression: Some of the diary entries will go way back to childhood, and may even help in shaping an overall idea of the events and situations that construct depressed identities in people. Although some of them may be based on real diary entries, most of them are 'reconstructed' entries, written recently or now, based on the recollection or memory of such events, their results and what has come to pass.

Finally, 'Daily Life' entries are what most blogs tend to deal with: These are fresh, recent, experiences and musings of the man behind the stories and the diaries of the past. They serve as both a means of directly communicating present day issues and concerns, as well as giving to the reader a stigma of the creator's present life and daily events. All of the 'daily life' entries are entirely new, and although reference may be made to past events, they should not be confused as 'past diary entries' or fictional abstract 'short stories'. These are real life experiences, and in reading them you may feel as if you've been in a similar situation yourself. If you have, please let the author know through comments.

Given the 'continuous' nature of this blog, readers should see it as part of a larger jigsaw puzzle. While there will not be an effort to put the pieces into order for the reader, readers who take the time to understand the rationale and the thought-process may find themselves wanting for more, as each week new blog posts unveil more and more of the world of a person battling with depression -- irrevocably torn from society; yet lusting for society's attention and affection.

I hope you enjoy your stay, and that you add this blog to your favourite ones. Feel free to comment, either with constructive criticism, opinions or even the things that inspired you in these blog posts -- or musings as I prefer to call them.

Amadeus In Denial.

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