Creative Commons Notice

Musings of a Depressed Visionary is written and edited by Amadeus In Denial and all text contained within is the product of original work.You are allowed to re-post, re-tweet, and otherwise re-broadcast any of the posts contained within, as long as you maintain a link to the original source (blog) and include the name of the original author.

Most images contained are the result of personal photography. On certain ocassions, where images and photography used belong to someone else, every effort is made to credit the original artist. If you believe that your art is illegitimately used in this blog, please contact Amadeus directly and every effort will be made to remove your work from this website within 4 working days.

If re-posting, please put the following notice at the end or beggining of your  (derivative or identical) work:

Original version by Amadeus In Denial.
Based on a work found at Musings of a Depressed Visionary (blog).

This original work by Amadeus In Denial is licensed under a Creative Commons (Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 3.0) License. All work created 2006-2011.
Creative Commons LicencePermissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at